26 October 2008


i managed to get some shelves built in the loft today for all of my and my buddy nate's stock. credit where credit is totally due: the shelves with all my dried turning blanks on is a piece my pops made in high school shop class, it's nothing fancy, but he built it, and im happy to have it. nate has a ton of cherry and some birds eye maple; i just bought a whole bunch of cocobolo, zircote and imbuia...i spent way too much on wood this weekend! i also organized part of the loft; the beginnings of a project that should give us room to store our stock, an area to finish our projects away from the sawdusty environment downstairs, and a place to put all my finished pieces, as i am starting to run out of shelf space in the house.
in other news, a platter i started to dry early this spring is now ready for finish turning. in the photo, the blank is the one of the four that is on the bottom right. it's white ash i got from a fella cutting a tree down across the street while kaylen and i were drinking beers on her porch.
the guy was cool, after he let me load up on wood, he came over, accepted a beer, and cut down a mess of branches and a small tree in kaylen's backyard...now it's the perfect spot to burn things in a firepit, carve pumpkins, and eat bratwurst with way-too-large buns. i know from experience.

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